
I have written hundreds of articles over the last ten years for a wide range of national publications, specialist newsletters and websites. Below are some examples:

TES article

‘Taking the magic out school improvement’

This article gave an overview of my thoughts on school improvement and also looked at my recently published book, ‘No Silver Bullets: Day in, day out school improvement’. – Published in the Times Education Supplement.

5 tips for career planning

‘5 tips for career planning’

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? So many colleagues continually ask me for advice with their career planning, so in this blog I give some suggestions as to how you can plan your career. – Published on the Teacher Toolkit website.

Improving school leadership one nudge at time

‘Improving school leadership: One nudge at a time’

Can we improve school leadership by nudging? ‘Nudge’ by Thaler and Sunstein is a fantastic book for providing a different way of leading in schools and Multi-Academy Trusts. In this blog I suggest how leaders can make use of the technique. – Published on the Teacher Toolkit website.

Nudge theory

‘Changing classroom one nudge at a time’

Isn’t it about time we gave children a nudge? In this second article inspired by the work of Thaler and Sunstein, I suggest how we look at creating the conditions so that pupils can make positive choices in our classrooms. – Published on the Teacher Toolkit website.


Body language for interviews

Top tips on how to physically present yourself in order to get that dream job. There any many books and articles written on how we can use body language to engage with other people in the most positive fashion. In this article, I give some suggestions on how candidates can use the ideas in an interview scenario. – Published in The Guardian


How to get that Senior leadership job?

Probably one of the most difficult roles to attain is your first senior leadership role. There will be colleagues from all different curriculum and pastoral backgrounds applying for the same job. In this article I provide some tip and hints for those aspiring for a senior leadership role. – Published in The Guardian.


Best questions to ask at your teaching interview

Preparing for interview season? Our experts share their top interview questions for impressing the panel. – Published in The Guardian.

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