The Hot Dog Moment

Everyone has key moments in their career, when they learn something so significant that it shapes their future leadership journey. It could be when something has worked fantastically well and you want to repeat. It could be when something goes spectacularly wrong and you never want that to happen again. It could be a really... Continue Reading →

The Magic 1265: A more flexible approach

One of the most searched blogs that I have written on this website is the one on constructing your 1265 audit. I am continually surprised by the number of colleagues who do not formalise this process and share it with staff. It is understood that this merely a starting point and staff work far longer... Continue Reading →

Posh cars and holiday habits

‘You can have any car you’d like?’ Yes that sentence got me thinking. What would it be? The VW transporter I now dream of? The sports car of my youth? Or perhaps the new ‘bombproof’ Land Rover Defender? ‘No Silver Bullets 2.0: Heart and Soul of School Improvement’ is published on Monday the 4th March –... Continue Reading →

KCSIE 2023: ‘Something changed’

When the new edition of Keeping Children Safe in Education was published last Tuesday, a whole host of organisations began to offer their views on the changes and marketed CPD to support people with implementing the new version of the document. We all read the changes with a different lens. Often the first people who... Continue Reading →

Flying in formation

At the heart of school leadership is our desire to continually improve the provision in all our classrooms so that our children receive the best possible teaching. We will have a view of what this teaching and learning looks like and in every school this will look slightly different. We set up our CPD provision... Continue Reading →

The CPD delivery challenge

Conversations with governors of maintained schools as a Multi-Academy Trust leader can sometimes feel like an interrogation as to how your organisation improves schools. For every reason that is given, there is often an equal amount of disbelief. It can feel a little bit like trying to answer the question ‘What have the romans ever... Continue Reading →

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