Wellbeing Support

Over twenty years ago, I first began to practice yoga and at a similar time I read about Neuro Linguistic Programming. I did not realise at the time that I was developing a knowledge of wellbeing, an area which has now become a considerable focus in every day life. I have drawn upon this in my writing, in my TEDx when I discussed NLP and Coaching, and in my professional life as System Leader, Coach to Headteachers and Local Leader of Education (LLE).

NEW BLOG: Five ways SUP Yoga can improve your fitness

Yoga and SUP Yoga

Initially my practice was developed through buying videos… that gives an idea of the decade when I was learning, then DVD’s until yoga lessons multiplied on the internet. I finally found a Hatha yoga class with a lovely teacher which first gave me the experience of practicing yoga under someone’s watchful eyes.

Early in 2017, I read the inspirational book, ‘Warrior Pose’ by Brad Willis (Bhava Ram) which described how yoga helped support him in his battle against cancer, a broken back and addiction. This amazing story gave me the ambition of becoming a Yoga Teacher. In September 2019, I took a short break from my profession which gave me the opportunity to complete a ‘Professional Accredited Yoga Teacher Training Diploma’. I have continued my studies, have gained an Advanced Diploma and a second Yoga Teacher qualification. Finally this year I successfully completed my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification accredited by the Yoga Alliance.

I have since developed my practice into SUP Yoga which I love. The combination of practicing yoga on paddle board with the water beneath is a beautiful way to perform yoga. This year I gained my Level 2 SUP Yoga Instructor certification with SUPTA – The SUP Training Academy. To find out more about SUP Yoga, have a read of my blogs for ‘Focus on Health and Wellbeing’. I currently teach SUP Yoga at ‘Activities Away’ in Lincoln as pay as you go classes on a Sunday afternoon.

SUP Yoga Blogs

Paddleboard Yoga

Paddleboard Yoga: Who?

Paddleboard Yoga: Why?

Paddleboard Yoga: The what?

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is a wonderful skill for helping you realise your potential. I have used NLP in my recreational sporting activities such as when playing cricket or rock climbing. I have since shared these skills with my children as they played tennis at a performance level and wrote about the practice in a guide for parents, ‘Trophies, tears and line-calls’.

I have also used NLP in my professional life to build my confidence, deal with stressful situations and also when I have been working with Headteachers as a system leader.

I continued my NLP studies and now have a Diploma enabling me to share my skills with others.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping

We all have to deal with stressful situations and there are times when we suffer from anxiety. On these occasions I have reached for EFT or Tapping to help me.

EFT is a universal healing tool with proven results. It can aid emotional, physical and performance related issues. Irrespective of the type of healing required, EFT considers that the core issues are often as a result of unresolved emotional issues which have manifested into physical conditions. EFT is a non-invasive form of acupuncture. It works through you carefully focussing on issues and concerns that you have and as you tap on certain meridian points these anxieties will ease.

I have completed a Professional Accredited EFT Diploma in Tapping to Heal. I found this study so interesting, that I have recently become an EFT / TFT Master Practitioner.


“You calmly help clear the runway of obstacles which gives me the confidence to take off and fly the plane”

I bring all these skills together through my studies and practice of Life Coaching. Whether I am coaching myself or working with Headteachers leading some of the most challenging schools in the country, I look for ways to overcome difficulties through breaking challenges down into manageable steps.

As one colleague memorably said to me, ‘you calmly help clear the runway of obstacles which gives me the confidence to take off and fly the plane.’


I am an accredited practitioner and in the summer months I teach a popular SUP Yoga class at ActivitiesAway Lake in Lincoln.

Contact me:

If you feel that my skills can help you deal with issues, anxieties or difficulties that you may have, then please contact me.

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